Top Exercises For Lower-Body Workout

Top Exercises For Lower-Body Workout

When we start an exercise regime the majority of us tend to focus on problems such as losing weight or burning calories through cardio workouts. However, keeping your lower body healthy is equally crucial since it helps you become more agile and balanced while also promoting a flawless body. Lower body muscle groups such as the glutes, quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings are in charge of stabilizing your body. So, you can enhance your overall health by strengthening your lower body. This blog will cover the best lower body exercises to help you increase your performance by ensuring a powerful and toned lower body.


Front Squats With Two Kettlebells

The two kettlebell front squats help you in developing core strength and balance by enabling the load evenly over each side of your body. Moreover, it strengthens specific lower body muscle groups, such as the hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps.

Following are the steps to follow in Front Squats With Two Kettlebells:

Step 1: Starting in front rack posture, clean the two kettlebells to your shoulders. Your toes should be slightly turned out and your feet should be positioned directly outside of your hips.

Step 2: Look ahead, squat down, and pause at the bottom by keeping your back straight. As you squat, keep your legs together and maintain an erect posture with your head and chest up.

Step 3: Return back to your original position by driving through your heels and continuing with the desired number of sets.

Barbell Squat

Barbell Squats strengthen your core and lower body by adding weight to your squats. This exercise targets your glutes along with the front and back thigh muscles. There are two variations of Barbell Squats, the steps to perform the exercise are mentioned below.

  1. Back Squat

Step 1: Start with securely placing the barbell on your shoulder and traps. Keep your toes pointed out, your core engaged, and your chest up while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. 

Step 2: Begin by squatting down with your hips back and your knees bent, making sure they fall out rather than in. Pause for a few seconds, when your thigh reaches parallel to the floor.

Step 3: Apply pressure through your full foot and return to your original position.

Step 4: Begin with 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each.

  1. Front Squat

Step 1: Place the barbell so that it is resting on your shoulder’s front. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your toes should be pointed out, and your chest should be up.

Step 2: Start to crouch down backwards while bending your knees, and pause when your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Step 3: Apply pressure through your full foot and return to your original position.

Step 4: Begin with 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps of each.

Kettlebell Pistol Squat

Kettlebell Pistol Squat mainly targets your quadriceps along with the shoulder, hamstrings, and calves muscles. This exercise improves coordination and balance and helps in building excellent core strength. You can also lose body weight by performing Kettlebell Pistol Squats. Following are the steps to follow in the Kettlebell Pistol Squat exercise.

Step 1: Start by picking up a kettlebell and position it under your neck, while holding it with both hands against your chest. Then, squat down on one leg while raising the other.

Step 2: Flex your knees and squat down while sitting on your hips. While doing so, keep the kettlebell in front of you.

Step 3: Once you’ve reached the bottom, hold that posture for a few seconds.

Step 4: Push down with your heel and use the force to bring yourself back up to the starting position.

Step 5: Repeat as required.

Narrow-Stance Squats

If you want to increase the strength of your leg muscles, narrow-stance squats is the best exercise for you. By using this exercise, you may improve your knee and ankle mobility, which will help you avoid injuries while walking, jogging, and other daily activities. Following are the steps to follow in the Narrow-Stance Squats exercise.

Step 1: Stand straight, and set the bar on the rack according to your height. After loading the bar, position it on the back of your shoulder.

Step 2: Grab the bar using both hands and pull it off the rack and push with your legs while keeping your body straight.

Step 3: Exit the rack and stand with your legs somewhat closer together than shoulder width.

Step 4:  Bend your knees and begin lowering the bar. Continue to go down till you reach the angle between your upper leg and calves is less than 90 degrees. Inhale, while you make this motion.

Step 5: While exhaling, begin to lift the bar. Return to the starting position by pressing the heel of your foot into the ground and straightening your legs.

Step 6: Repeat the desired number of times to complete the set of reps.

Box Squat

The box squat can increase glute growth and boost your lower body strength. This workout targets the gluteal muscles in the back of your legs especially. It increases your flexibility and mobility while also helping in enhancing your overall fitness. Following are the steps to follow in the Box Squats exercise.

Step 1: Place a chair or box in a place. With your feet, hip-width apart and your toes pointed straight ahead, stand a few inches away from the box.

Step 2: To work on the lats while squatting with a barbell, grip the bar. Take a deep breath, hinge at the hips, and bend your knees to lower yourself till your butt reaches the box while maintaining a strong core.

Step 3:  Sit on the box while maintaining a tall posture and a firm core.

Step 4Press back to standing while inhaling as you thrust your hips forward and force your feet into the ground.

Step 5: Squeeze your glutes at the peak.

Step 6: Do 6–12 repetitions for 3–4 sets.

Box Squat With Bands

Box Squat with the band is a lower body exercise that primarily targets your quadriceps muscles along with working on your calves, hamstrings, and glutes. This exercise helps in strengthening your core and leg muscles. Additionally, if you want to build your strength and speed this exercise is a great option. Following are the steps to follow in Box Squat With Bands exercise.

Step 1: Set the safety stops at exactly above knee height and place the bar at shoulder height. Locate a box set that is parallel to the ground and place it a few feet behind you. After loading the bar, attach bands to the rack’s base using pegs and then secure the band’s ends around the loaded bar to provide resistance.

Step 2: Evenly place your hands on the bar to take the bar out of the rack, and position yourself at the top of your back deltoids by getting under the bar.

Step 3: Take a few steps back and unrack the bar while putting your feet shoulder-width apart.

Step 4: Inhale deeply and maintain your elbows parallel to your torso.

Step 5: Pushing the hips back and bending the knees at the same time is how you descend.

Step 6: Start to reverse the motion once your butt contacts the box.

Step 7: Drive your feet through the floor while keeping your abs tight.

Step 8: Exhale as you completely extend your hips and knees to complete the lift.

Step 9: Repeat as required.

Goblet Squat

For people of all fitness levels, the goblet squat is the ideal exercise. This exercise will strengthen the tendons, ligaments, and bones around your leg muscles if you are working on your lower body. Also, by strengthening your quadriceps and glutes, this exercise encourages stable knees and increases your lower body strength. Following are the steps to follow in the Goblet Squat exercise.

Step 1: To begin, hold a dumbbell vertically and place both of your hands beneath the top of the weight. Place the weight in that position and maintain contact with your chest throughout the workout.

Step 2: Sit back into your hips and flex your knees as you start to squat. As far as your strength allows, keep your torso up and squat down.

Step 3: In order to return to the beginning position, push through your heels.

Step 4: Perform 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps depending on your fitness level and desired goal.


Clean Deadlift

The clean deadlift is a great exercise if you want to build your legs and back strength. In this exercise, the lifters will attempt to manage higher weights, and the slower tempo will allow them to concentrate more on their posture, stance, and balance. As a result, this workout is helpful in strengthening your core along with improving your posture and stability. Following are the steps to follow in the Clean Deadlift exercise.

Step 1: To start, place a weighted barbell with an overhand grip directly in front of your shins.

Step 2: Pull up on the barbell with your head forward while bending your knees and keeping your back straight. Your driving power should come from your heels.

Step 3: Continue while maintaining a straight back and pull up as you raise the barbell.

Step 4: As the barbell crosses your knees, stretch your knees fully and raise your chest up until the bar reaches the level of your hips.

Step 5: Perform 3-6 sets for 1-4 reps.

Romanian Deadlift From Deficit

Romanian deadlift from deficit exercise mainly targets your hamstrings and glute muscles. It is a full-body workout that allows an increase in range of motion and hip mobility. Moreover, this workout helps in achieving toned and powerful glute muscles. Following are the steps to follow in the Romanian Deadlift From Deficit exercise.

Step 1: To generate the deficit, start out by standing on a box or tiny riser.

Step 2: Reach down to grab the bar while bending at the hips, keeping your hands approximately shoulder-width apart.

Step 3: Stand slowly while lowering your weight to your waist.

Step 4:  Progressively lower the weight towards the floor while keeping your knees slightly bent, do so until you have reached the limit of your safe range of motion.

Step 5: Reverse the action and go back to the starting position. Repeat the workout as necessary.

Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift

Kettlebell one-legged deadlift strengthens your posterior chain muscle groups such as the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This exercise also builds the size and strength of your back and glute muscles. Following are the steps to follow in the Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift exercise.

Step 1: Hold a kettlebell in one hand by the handle. On the same side that you are holding the kettlebell, stand on one leg.

Step 2: Do a stiff-legged deadlift while keeping that knee slightly bent by bending at the hip and extending your free leg behind you for balance.

Step 3: After you are parallel to the ground, keep lowering the kettlebell before standing back up.

Step 4: Perform 3 sets, 12 reps on each leg.

Romanian Deadlift

Romanian deadlifts primarily target the posterior chain muscles including the gluteus maximus, erector spinae, and hamstrings. For people who are trying to strengthen the hamstrings this workout is ideal for them. This is an effective exercise that aids in strengthening your core and lower body muscles. Following are the steps to follow in the Romanian Deadlift exercise.

Step 1: Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, use an overhand grip to hold a heavy barbell at your hips. Keep your knees slightly bent.

Step 2: Gently press your hips all the way back, keeping your front leg nearly in contact with the ground. Descend until your torso is parallel to the ground or until you start to feel a little stress in your hamstrings.

Step 3: Push through your heels and stand up straight to the beginning posture.

Step 4: Repeat as required.

Hang Snatch

Hang snatch is a full-body workout that increases your strength and stability. This exercise works in strengthening your lower body by activating the muscles such as your core, legs, and shoulder. For Olympic weightlifting exercises like the power snatch and the power clean, the hang snatch is a fantastic warm-up. Following are the steps to follow in the Hang Snatch exercise.

Step 1: To begin, a broad overhand grip is used to bring the bar into the beginning position, where it rests in the hip crease.

Step 2: Hold your breath and softly tighten your abdominals.

Step 3: By bending your hips and knees, you may lower the bar along your thighs to roughly knee level.

Step 4: Reverse the action, then extend your legs and knees at the same time and quickly yet smoothly raise the bar.

Step 5: As the bar reaches its top speed, crouch down deeply and grab it with your arms straight over your head.

Step 6: Stand up straight once you have the bar under control and with control, lower the bar in front of you.

Step 7: Use the weight you can handle and perform 2-5 sets of 1-3 reps.

Lying Leg Curls

Primarily working on the hamstrings, lying leg curls exercises also work on your glutes. This workout aids in strengthening the glute-ham tie-in muscles, which are the ones that link your glutes and hamstrings. As a result, improving your overall flexibility, balance, and strength. Following are the steps to follow in the Lying Leg Curls exercise.

Step 1: Lay on a leg curl machine with the pad on the backs of your legs. Position it a few inches under your calves.

Step 2: Keep your body flat on the bench and extend your legs fully before grabbing the machine’s side grips. This will be your starting position.

Step 3: Keep your upper legs on the pad while curling your lower legs up as high as you can. Hold the position for a brief period of time once your legs have fully tightened.

Step 4: Return your legs to the beginning position

Step 5: Perform 8-9 reps per set and more based on your fitness level and goal

Sumo Deadlift

Sumo deadlift targets your hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and inner thigh muscles by engaging your core. This exercise will help you in improving your flexibility and hip mobility. Moreover, it also aids in relieving back pain. Following are the steps to follow in the Sumo Deadlift exercise.

Step 1: Start by placing a loaded bar on the ground. Go close enough to the bar so that it touches the center of the feet. The feet should be placed extremely far apart.

Step 2: To grasp the bar, squat at the hips. You can employ a hook grip, or a mixed grip with the arms just below the shoulders and within the knees. By letting your shoulders down, your arms will appear longer.

Step 3: Take a deep breath, and drop your hips while keeping your chest up and facing the front. Using your weight on the rear half of your feet, drive into the floor while spreading your feet apart. Extend through your knees and hips.

Step 4: Pull your shoulder blades together as you lean back and force your hips into the bar as it passes past your knees.

Step 5: By bending at the hips and managing the weight as you go down, bring the weight back to the ground.

Step 6: Begin with 4-6 sets of 2-5 reps based on your fitness level and goal.


Standing Calf Raise Machine

Working out on a standing calf raise machine is a fantastic technique to build and strengthen your calves. It is a useful workout that helps with posture and coordination while also boosting the endurance and strength of your lower body. Following are the steps to follow in the Standing Calf Raise Machine exercise.

Step 1: Start by adjusting the Shoulder pad so that it fits your height.

Step 2: Walk beneath the pad and position your toes straight forward on the platform with the balls of your feet, your heels will hang off naturally.

Step 3: Raise the shoulder pad by extending the hips and legs.

Step 4: Dorsiflex your ankles to bring your heels down until your calves are completely extended.

Step 5: Exhale as you flex your calves and extend your ankles.

Step 6: Repeat as specified.

Standing Smith Machine Calf Raise

Standing smith machine calf raise exercise is effective in strengthening your calves muscles, boosts your ankle strength and flexibility, and helps in preventing injuries. If you are trying to build bigger calves, then this exercise is a great option for you. Following are the steps to follow in the Standing Smith Machine Calf Raise exercise.

Step 1: On the smith machine, put a block or weight plate beneath the bar. The bar should be adjusted so that it best fits your height. Once the bar has been loaded at the appropriate height, step onto the plates with your toes pointed and hold the bar against your shoulders.

Step 2: With your forward-facing hands, grasp the bar. To unrack the bar, rotate it. This will be where you start.

Step 3: Pushing off the balls of your feet, raise your heels as high as you can, flexing your calf at the peak of the contraction. Keep your knees extended the entire time. Before beginning to lower yourself again, hold the contracted position for a little moment.

Step 4: Breathe in and drop your heels as you gently return to the beginning position.

Step 5: Do 5 sets of 30 reps with a 30-second pause.

Jump Rope

Skipping or jumping rope are both good exercises for your calves. Jumping rope strengthens your calves first and foremost, with secondary effects on your quadriceps, hamstrings, glues, and core muscles. Following are the steps to follow in the Jump Rope exercise.

Step 1:  Keep your hands at hip height while holding the rope.

Step 2:  Spin your wrists to jump and swing the rope.

Step 3: Alternate between jumping with both feet at once, each foot at a time, etc.

Step 4: Continue till the set is finished. And repeat as required.

Seated Calf Raise Machine

The sitting calf raise exercise is perfect for anyone who wants to build leaner, stronger calves. It is a low-intensity exercise that improves your athletic ability. Your stability and balance will also be improved which further helps in movements like jogging, walking, and other activities. Following are the steps to follow in the Seated Calf Raise Machine exercise.

Step 1: Sit down on the machine and position your toes pointing forward on the platform with the balls of your feet; your heels will hang off naturally. Place your hands on top of the knee pad and place the base of your quads there.

Step 2: Your ankles should now be fully extended.

Step 3: Dorsiflex your ankles to bring your heels down until your calves are completely extended.

Step 4: Exhale as you flex your calves and extend your ankles.

Step 5: Repeat as many times as required.

Leg Press Calf Raise

Leg press calf raise exercise targets your lower leg muscles such as the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. This exercise aids in calf muscle development and strengthening. As a consequence, your ankle and foot are strengthened, which further enhances your mobility and stability. Following are the steps to follow in the Leg Press Calf Raise exercise.

Step 1: Start by adding the desired weight to the machine and sit down.

Step 2: Once you sit down, put your feet on the sledge and spread your shoulders.

Step 3: Extend your legs, but keep the safeties locked.

Step 4: When you put your feet on the platform, your heels should hang over the edge.

Step 5: Bring your heels down until your calves are fully lengthened by dorsiflexing your ankles.

Step 6: Put the weight back where it was at the beginning, extend the ankles, and flex the calves.

Step 7: Repeat as required.

Donkey Calf Raise Machine

The donkey calf raise machine exercise targets the major muscles of your lower legs mainly the gastrocnemius muscle. This workout helps in making your calves larger and toned. It also enhances the stability and mobility of the ankle. Following are the steps to follow in the Donkey Calf Raise Machine exercise.

Step 1: Put your lower back on the pad while you position yourself on the machine.

Step 2: Keep your heels dangling off the plate and your feet’s balls on the surface.

Step 3: Your forearms must be on the arm pads, and your legs must be stretched. Your torso should shift forward as you lean in.

Step 4: By pushing your feet down, flex your calves.  Maintain straight legs at the knees.

Step 5: While you exhale, shuffle your feet and lower your heels while breathing in.

Step 6: Perform 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps.

Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise

The soleus muscle, which helps to strengthen your calves, is one of the lower leg muscles targeted by the seated dumbbell calf raise. Your regular activities, such as jogging, walking, and using the stairs, will improve after this workout. Following are the steps to follow in the Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise exercise.

Step 1:  Start by sitting on a bench, place a block under the balls of your feet, and grip dumbbells on your thighs for resistance.

Step 2: Your toes have to be facing straight forward, and your knees ought to be bent 90 degrees.

Step 3: Until you feel a stretch in your calves, let your heels fall towards the ground.

Step 4: Now plant your feet firmly on the platform and lift your heels as high as you can.

Step 5: Repeat as needed.


Barbell Glute Bridge With Band Abduction

Barbell Glute Bridges engage your core, hamstrings, and glutes while also assisting in strengthening and extending your gluteal muscles. It develops your core muscles, which support you in daily tasks, improve your posture and balance, and lessen your back discomfort. Following are the steps to follow in the Barbell Glute Bridge With Band Abduction exercise.

Step 1: Start by sitting on the ground with a weighted barbell over your legs and a band above your knees. Lay down on the floor with the bar positioned just over your hips.

Step 2: Pushing through with your heels, stretch your hips through the bar vertically to begin the exercise. Your weight should be supported by the heels of your feet and your upper back.

Step 3: Reverse the action to return to the starting position after extending as far as you can.

Step 4: You need to perform 5 sets of 30 reps, with 30 seconds of rest.

Negative One-And-A-Half-Rep Rear-Foot-Elevated Split Squat

The negative one-and-a-half-rep rear-foot-elevated split squat is a variation of the split squat exercise that places a greater emphasis on the eccentric or lowering phase of the movement. It is a challenging exercise that targets the muscles of the lower body, including the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings.

Step 1: Start by placing your left knee on a floor pad or cushion in front of a bench.

Step 2: Place the left foot on the bench with the shoelaces lying on top.

Step 3: Keep your front right foot firmly planted. Make sure there is enough space between your feet if it is too near, your right knee will track over your foot excessively, and if it is too far, your hip flexion will be restricted. While starting, your knee should be in line with your toes.

Step 4: Keep your ribs down, your torso straight, and your abs tight.

Step 5: With a neutral spine, push your right foot into the ground until you are standing.

Step 6Slowly descend, and then repeat.

Skater Squats

Skater squat exercises help to build stronger glutes, which further leads to an increase in the size of your buttocks. Instead of working both sides of your body at once, this exercise works just one side at a time. Exercises like the skater squat strengthen your lower body and get your body ready for actions you need in everyday life.

Step 1: Stand up straight, While keeping both knees bent, inhale as you extend one leg approximately a foot behind you. As a counterbalance, extend your arms in front while keeping your abs tight. Your rear knee should softly tap the ground or a raised pad.

Step 2: The back shouldn’t curve, but the torso should bend forward at an angle as if your chest were moving towards your front knee.

Step 3: Breathe out as you raise your front leg to your standing position.

Step 4: You can repeat this for 5-10 reps, and switch sides.

Sidestep Squats With Resistance Bands

The excellent glute-targeting exercise known as the “Sidestep Squat” simply needs a loop band. This workout strengthens your core and increases performance by enhancing stability and balance, this exercise is ideal for the lower body.

Step 1: Start by employing a medium-light tension band. Holding onto both handles, stand on top of it.

Step 2: while maintaining strain on the band, take a wide step out to the right into a squat.

Step 3: Step in with your left foot. Stepping out and stooping to the right as you go across the room, keep doing so as far as you can.

Step 4: Continue the other way and you can repeat this for 10-12 reps.


Your important actions, including walking, running, and jumping, are controlled by your lower body. A strong lower body aids in improving balance, stability, and posture as well as helping you stay injury-free while doing regular tasks. We hope the information above might assist you in your quest to develop a powerful and toned lower body. These exercises will not only strengthen your lower body but also enhance your general health and increase the endurance of your muscles.