Strive Group Fitness Challenges App

Create a group fitness challege and invite friends, family, and coworkers

Strive Health and Fitness App Screenshots
How It Works

Meet Strive App

Invite your friends, family, coworkers to a healthy challenge to compete in 7 competition types including: Steps, Miles, Move Calories, Exercise Minutes, Weight, Body Fat, BMI

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Compete with Friends

Health & Fitness Competitions

We have built a health and fitness tool that tracks multiple activity and body metrics. Combine that with a competitive spirit with friends, family, and coworkers that share similar health and fitness goals and start a challenge today!

30 Day Workout Challenge
30 Day Workout Challenge
to see who can lose the most BMI percentage relative to their original BMI percentage
30 Day Workout Challenge
30 Day Workout Challenge
to see who can lose the most body fat percentage relative to their original body fat percentage.
Distance in Miles
Best Half Marathon Training App
Race against your fellow competitors to see who can reach the most amount of miles by the end.
30 Day Workout Challenge
30 Day Workout Challenge
Race against your fellow competitors to see who can reach the most move calories by the end.
Step Challenge App
Step Challenge App
Race against your fellow competitors to see who can reach the most number of steps by the end.
Weight Loss Tracker
Best Weight Loss Tracker App with Friends
to see who can lose the most weight relative to their original starting weight by percentage.
How it Looks


Take a look at some of the screens this powerful health and fitness tool brings to your fingertips. Monitor your activity levels and body measurements by week, month, and year. Invite your friends to a competition and Strive to do better!


  • Cool Step Competition App - I noticed I’m walking almost 15k steps per day and I like to compete with my coworkers. Pretty cool leaderboard!
  • Great App for step challenge - I was doing a fun step challenge with friends and it was pretty cool to see who walks the most and I won! Best App ever 😍
  • Awesome Step Challenge with friends - I got invited to this app by my sister and I have to say it’s pretty cool. It gets all my steps from my Apple Watch and I can compete with my friends and family and see who’s more active.
  • Great for Office Challenge - Great for motivating team at work to be more active. It was nice to see the team get in a friendly competition to be active and lose weight. The leaderboard was nice.
  • Great App!! - I have been using this App for the past couple of months and absolutely love it!!!It’s really a great way to stay motivated and helps keep me moving.