Frequently Asked Questions

We currently offer the following Competition Types:

  • Number of Steps - Compete against others to see who can record the most number of steps for a given duration of weeks, ranging from 1 week to 10 weeks.
  • Weight Loss Percentage - Compete against others to see who can lose the most weight percentage from their original starting weight for a given duration of weeks, ranging from 1 week to 10 weeks.
  • Body Fat Percentage - Compete against others to see who can lose the most body fat percentage from their original body fat percentage for a given duration of weeks, ranging from 1 week to 10 weeks.
  • Move Calories - Compete against others to see who can record the most move calories for a given duration of weeks, ranging from 1 week to 10 weeks.
  • Distance in Miles - Compete against others to see who can record the most distance in miles for a given duration of weeks, ranging from 1 week to 10 weeks.
  • Exercise Minutes - Compete against others to see who can record the most exercise minutes for a given duration of weeks, ranging from 1 week to 10 weeks.
  • BMI - Compete against others to see who can lose the most body mass index from their original body mass index for a given duration of weeks, ranging from 1 week to 10 weeks.

If you have a Smart Scale, use the native App from the Manufacturer to Weigh In using your iPhone. Once the data is recorded onto your iPhone in Health Kit, simply go to the Weigh In Screen so we can record your latest Body Measurements. Strive will read your Weight, Body Fat Percentage, and BMI so you can track your progress.

If you don't have a Smart Scale, you can still Weigh In Manually. Navigate to the Weigh In Screen and click on Manual Weigh In. Enter in your Body Weight in lbs and your Body Fat %. We will calculate your BMI based on your height recorded on your iPhone.

Weight Loss Percentage formula is ((Current Weight - Original Weight) / Original Weight) * 100

No, your competitors can only see the delta or change in Body Weight Percentage, Body Fat Percentage, and Body Mass Index.

Navigate to the Settings where you can toggle off "Share Measurements in Competitions". Competitors would be able to access the data in the Leaderboard as it is essential to the competition, but they will not be able to see your Measurements' delta/change Line Graph in Week, Month, and Year format.

We are limited to the data you have stored on your iPhone. If users of Strive have been using a native App for their Smart Scale and have been weighing in regularly, that data is recorded in Health Kit and we are able to access it. Please Weigh In regularly using so that you can also build a history of your Body Measurements so that you can track your progress on your Health and Fitness goals.

Strive was engineered to integrate with your Apple Watch to encourage you to be Active and to workout regularly. When you do workout, make sure you to record your workouts on your Apple Watch. This will ensure that your Steps, Miles, Exercise Minutes, and Move Calories are accurate.

Navigate to the Settings where you can toggle off "Share Activity in Competitions". Competitors would be able to access the data in the Leaderboard as it is essential to the competition, but they will not be able to see your Activity in a Bar Chart in Week, Month, and Year format.

We are limited to the data you have stored on your iPhone. If users of Strive have been using an Apple Watch and exercise regularly, that data is recorded in Health Kit and we are able to access it. Please exercise regularly and record your workouts using your Apple Watch so that you can also build a history of your Activity. This will be an essential tool to track your progress on your Health and Fitness goals.

Strive offers Weigh In Reminders that are configurable by day of the week and time so you can Weigh In and ensure you are headed in the right direction.

Outside of hosting a Healthy Competition with your peers, Strive offers Weekly Competition Reminders and Results in Notifications. Competition Reminders to keep you engaged right before the Weekly results are determined, and Weekly Results to let you know where you rank in the Competition.

Navigate to the Settings where you can toggle off "Competition Reminders" and "Competition Results" respectively.